Bless It and Praise It

By Marilyn Jenett

What is one of the most powerful, healing, adjusting, attracting and energizing principles in the Universe that can turn any circumstance or situation around, no matter how extreme or hopeless it may appear?

It is the principle of blessing and praising. What is so unusual about the idea of blessing and praising in these situations? Well, it is easy to bless and shower your praise upon all of the good people and experiences in life. But have you ever thought of blessing difficult people or negative situations? Did it ever occur to you to bless or praise your lack, your need, your difficult partner or spouse, bodily ills or bank account?


  1. To invoke divine care for (“bless your heart”)
  2. To praise, glorify
  3. To speak well of, approve
  4. To endow, favor (“blessed with ability”)


  1. To express a favorable judgment of; commend
  2. To glorify, especially by the attribution of perfections
  3. To express praise

Well, now you are going to get into the habit of blessing and praising all of those things that need changing or healing in your life.

As an example, let me explain what happened in my corporate business over the years. I admit there were times when I wasn’t content in my former events business…times when it was so busy that the amount of detail was overwhelming or I yearned to do something different or my feet hurt from overseeing a large event, even with adequate help. My spiritual side craved peace and serenity, but the big bucks came from large, precisely coordinated parties and events for corporate clients.

If I stayed in a critical mood, my business came to a standstill. Now, that got my attention! So I would begin to bless my business. I would bless it and praise it for giving me the opportunity to work independently for myself, for working with talented vendors, for great clients who always paid me before the events (!). I blessed the business, the income and the clients. I would repeat often to myself or aloud, “I bless my business and my wonderful clients” – even if there were no clients at the time. Clients always arrived.

Watch The Transformation

There are many areas of life that need our blessing and when we do give it, those areas will adjust, change, improve, grow and heal right before our eyes. Here are some of the ways you can apply blessings and praise and watch the transformation:

Difficult People: Your spouse, partner, children, relatives, co-workers, business associates, employer, employees, creditors, debtors, landlord, tenants, strangers and motorists

Finances (or Lack of): Your checkbook, bank account, wallet, purse, investments, savings account

Health and Appearance: Any body part or organ (diagnosed or undiagnosed), aches or pains, your physical appearance, weight, flaws and imperfections (perceived or real)

Career, Creativity: Your job, business or profession, creative talent, business talent, products or services, clients, customers, vendors or suppliers, teachers and students

Love Life and Relationships: Your spouse or significant other, your singleness if you don’t have a partner, your future lover or spouse (and of course bless and release the past ones!), your friends and special people in your life

Nature: Pets and all living creatures, plants, greenery and flowers (it’s been proven that plants respond to our good thoughts)

Belongings: Your car (I always bless and praise my car), furnishings and appliances, computer, clothing, all belongings

Food: Food that you consume and the wonderful variety of foods available on our planet, in your garden and on your trees

Problems: All problems and dilemmas, great or small

Chew on This

It is a common spiritual practice to bless and give thanks for our food, but how many of us really do this? Blessing the incredible food available to us helps this food to assimilate and nourish our bodies properly. This carries a spiritual vibration into the very cells of our bodies. Food becomesour bodies (science shows us that all the cells of our bodies are replaced every seven years). What better reason to bless our food?

Marilyn, you can bless your problems right out of existence. Every problem contains a lesson and the opportunity for you to grow. When you use spiritual principles to solve and overcome a problem, there will no longer be a need for it to reappear in your life. Spiritual solutions produce healing – a cure, not a band-aid. 

Catherine Ponder has a wonderful way to transform negative situations with people. She recommends the use of the following affirmative blessing:

“I bless you and bless you for the goodness of God (Universe, Spirit) that is within you.”

I believe a similar blessing can be used for any person, situation or object. Everything that exists – animate or inanimate – is made up of vibrating energy, and I believe that energy will respond to the “frequency” and the frequency of our blessing.


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Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit

Her book, Feel Free to Prosper – Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide.

An Introduction to Universal Laws and Prosperity Principles

(This content-rich eBook originally sold for $47)

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