Feel Free to Prosper Book
Fun photos, comments and social media posts
from my book buyers around the world
Here in South Austraila our whole State is in a storm related power blackout and Purrly and I are reading Feel Free To Prosper by torch light!
It feels very metaphorical Marilyn!
Page 8 and a Yes! So loud that it scared Purrly from my lap:
“You will feel a love and a connectedness and a sense of security that is greater than anything you have felt on an earthly level”.
I just wanted you to know that I think you have written one of THE most crystallised, poetic and poignant lines I have ever read in the Universal Laws teachings. I have copied a screen grab to this message.
Marilyn I work in women’s homeless and domestic violence shelters and for many years have been interpreting the Mind Body Spirit and Prosperity information into colouring pages for women. We colour as we discuss the principles of the Mind and the role of Imagination in creating our reality.
When I read your words about your passion for creating material for the “common” man, it really resonated for me and I am sure your work will benefit me in my next level journey and in turn you will make a difference in the lives of women in shelters through my Art of Change program.
Thank you
Jeff McBride
American Magician and Illusionist
Las Vegas, NV
American magician, illusionist and Las Vegas performer Jeff McBride was told about my book and posted the following on social media – along with a photo of the chapter in my book he refers to. If you click on the photo, you can read the page.
“THE MYSTERY SCHOOL in the mainstream:
A new book by prosperity mentor Marilyn Jenett, entitled Feel Free to Prosper (Penguin Books, 2015), discusses stage magicians’ use of magic words, quoting from Craig Conley’s chapter about Jeff McBride in Magic Words: A Dictionary (Weiser Books, 2008).”
Elvio Esteban
Green Brook, NJ
This little book is a gift from The Creator encrypted with your name. I have read literally close to one thousand books since I was twelve years old, and I have to say that very few books have touched and influenced my life as Feel Free to Prosper. I read it one time and it didn’t do too much for me for its information was very similar to what I had found in books such as the Power of your Subconscious Mind by Murphy, The Strangest Secret by Nightingale, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Secret by Rhonda, and even in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola when he talks about “holy indifference.” I read Feel Free to Prosper a second time because there was something inside of me calling me to do so. I did it and decided to do the exercises, and guess what, my life has never been the same.
You see, I left my parents at a very young age to join the Seminary to become a Roman Catholic Priest, and I dedicated over twelve years of formation studying every Theological and Philosophical treaty I could get my hands on. My heroes were the Saints, people who gave everything they had to the poor. I became a Catholic Priest and left the priesthood right after my ordination for my heart couldn’t find “ God,” just like Hermann Hesse in his classic book Siddhārtha. I got into the car business right after leaving the priesthood almost four years ago, and even though I have had some decent success in this industry, I hadn’t been as successful as I know I could be. After reading this book now for a third time, I’ve been witnessing miracle after miracle. My income is increasing, my investments are growing, I receive unexpected gifts, and customers come to me from places as far as Connecticut and Long Island. All of this with very little effort on my part. For the first time in many many decades ( I’m currently 36 years old), I feel a sense of peace and serenity for now I truly know that all of my needs and desires are taken care off by my Creator, for as Marilyn says, prosperity is our divine right.
Anyhow, if you are reading this, don’t hesitate any longer and get the book for it was the Universe who brought you to this moment. Read it, read it again, and do the exercises. Your life is about to be transformed.
Thank you Marilyn Jenett, you are a true angel of divine light. Keep that light shining and illuminating the world.
Josh Bauerle
Monroeville, OH
I sent a copy of my book to Josh, my CPA. He placed it on a table, and before he or his wife could read it, he said “your youngest student” grabbed it.
Meet 2-year old Jacob, one of their twins, who apparently IS my youngest student.
Kirsty Caló
London, England

Hi Marilyn,

Thank you Marilyn!!
Your book changed my life…
Yet I read it just last year in May through…. and since then I have never been the same….
A few weeks ago I needed a reminder and a fix, I ran back to the roots to remember all the laws and the necessary….I am now on page 96!!Bless you.
Good morning! It’s great to be back! Hello Monday! Today, I’d like to share with you my latest discovery…Enjoy!
#episode16 #financialworld #money #GOD #theUniverse #connecttoyoursourceofgoodness

My dear teacher!
My Amazon order of your book has just arrived to my apartment in front of the Pacific Ocean in Lima, Perú today! So your book has made a long way from the US to South América 😉 Your book was my birthday present for me.
I have to mention that your book arrived more than a month in advance but it arrived on the same day a gorgeous circle rainbow appeared all over Lima. 😊
Best regards
Sherrie Penny
Hallsville, MO
It’s been a great Saturday – I’ve had a lot of fun with my kids.
Feeling Prosperous!
Rereading a great book tonight. Feeling fantastic with Marilyn Jenett.
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© Copyright 2003-2022 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper®
All rights reserved.
Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit www.FeelFreetoProsper.com.
Her book, Feel Free to Prosper – Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide. www.feelfreetoprosperbook.com