The Ground Beneath Your Feet
By Marilyn Jenett
Earth Day
Today is the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, an important holiday created to inspire global environmental responsibility as well as appreciation for the land, air and water we all share. Mahatma Gandhi’s quote, “Be the change you want to see in the world,” certainly exemplifies the Earth Day themes created by the Earth Day Network,, throughout the years:
A Billion Acts of Green, Mobilize the Earth, It’s Our Turn to Lead, End Plastic Pollution, (no, we weren’t being asked to cut up our credit cards), Protect Our Species, Climate Action… and one year I especially liked this catchy — and personally appropriate Earth day motto: “We love two types of green here.”
This year, 2021, the theme is “Restore Our Earth.” I don’t need to elaborate on why the word “unprecedented” has taken on a whole new meaning this past year. There is no doubt that “restoration” needs to take place not only for our Earth, but also on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level in our lives.
Now, I’d like you to also take a moment to consider this yearly celebration as it applies to our personal, individual worlds — our mental and spiritual environment. Yes, Earth refers to our home, the third planet from the Sun, and its inhabitants. But “earth” is also defined as the “ground beneath your feet.” Over the years, in my study of metaphysics, I discovered that spiritually, our feet represent “understanding.”
The biblical phrase,”a lamp unto my feet and a light upon my path,” refers to the universal truth principles that create our understanding and give us spiritual footing.
I think as we honor Mother Earth and take responsibility for our actions to nurture and heal her, we can also begin to take responsibility for our mental, emotional and physical actions that keep us firmly grounded on a solid foundation, heal our faulty conditioning and nurture our faculty of understanding. This is the true path to success in life and business.
I also believe that our Earth Mother is a living, breathing, energetic entity that responds to the consciousness of her inhabitants. Our individual consciousness is an important part of the “critical mass” that can shift the energies of this planet. As we heal ourselves, we heal the world.
“When you save one life it is as if you saved the entire world.”
—the Talmud
Truth principles, universal laws, or what I refer to as prosperity principles, can be learned with relative ease. I have been told and believe that my gift is my ability to present and teach these otherwise esoteric laws in a “down-to-earth” way that is easily understood and applied. I am profoundly grateful for my knowledge of the laws that turned defeat in my own life into the feet of understanding. I hope this inspires someone reading this to get back on their “feet”…and the rest of us to gain a stronger “foothold” in our prosperity.
If my knowledge and experience can keep you grounded in an understanding of the laws, then I am truly fulfilling my purpose.
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Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit
Her book, Feel Free to Prosper – Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide.