
By Marilyn Jenett


The message of hope was instilled in my mind many years ago when I listened to Dr. Bernie Siegel’s audiobook, Peace, Love & Healing. This was the follow-up book to his first major best-seller, Love, Medicine and Miracles.

He tells the story about his mother when she was in the hospital with little time left. He brought her a beautiful nightgown so that she wouldn’t have to live her last days in a hospital gown. She told him she didn’t want it – she wanted the spring handbag that she saw advertised in the newspaper.

It was at that moment that his world changed forever and he went on to become one of the greatest and most successful speakers and educators in the field of mind/body medicine. He realized at that moment that no doctor had the right to mentally prepare a person’s death certificate. What the patient needed more than anything else in the world was…hope.

His mother lived to buy 14 more spring handbags!

I teach that faith, expectation and gratitude are the key attributes to the manifestation process. However, if you are not yet able to reach that state of knowing for a situation, then hope is a wonderful stepping stone to get there. If you need a reminder, just think of 14 handbags.

 Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering “it will be happier.” — Alfred Lord Tennyson

Hope. Why would you even consider the alternative? — Marilyn Jenett

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