Remembering and Honoring…

Not Just in America

By Marilyn Jenett

Memorial Day

In Remembrance


To all the men and women in our planet’s military
who have given their lives to defend our freedom…

To all our planet’s healthcare workers who have
given their lives to defend our health…

I know that Memorial Day in the U.S. is considered the beginning of summer and is usually celebrated with events and happy gatherings with family and friends.

But I will never forget that it’s a time to remember you, the men and women of our military who have died, and that it is because of you that we have the freedom to celebrate as we choose. I also honor those who have served in other nations for the cause of freedom for all of our planet’s citizens.

And also to the healthcare workers we have lost …

I honor each of you and silently thank you for your service and for paying the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Self Bestowed Freedom

To all who are reading this tribute, please take a moment to honor your prosperity thoughts and the guidance of Spirit. They are the soldiers that protect you from error thoughts that keep you from your freedom to express your talents and abilities. And they valiantly defend you from the tyranny of negative thinking and past conditioning.

You will then become a Veteran of Spirit that serves your consciousness well and brings you freedom and peace.


Beautiful Memorial Day Photo courtesy of Jackie (Sister72),


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Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit

Her book, Feel Free to Prosper – Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide.

An Introduction to Universal Laws and Prosperity Principles

(This content-rich eBook originally sold for $47)

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