Your Mind Cannot Tell the Difference…
By Marilyn Jenett
Spring has almost sprung in the U.S., but the nights here in Los Angeles have been quite chilly — so my mind wandered to a story I shared in the past about a sweater that “magically” appeared. Of course, we know there was no magic involved at all. What was involved was a sublime example of using the mind to manifest exactly what we want — and often at lightning speed…
Do you know that your subconscious mind cannot tell
the difference between a real and an imagined act?
That’s why using visualization, imagination, role playing, even hypnosis are valuable techniques that can help us manifest what we want.
For decades, athletes have been known to use visualization with success to “rehearse” their perfect form or winning result.
A hypnotized subject can be touched with a pencil but told it’s a hot poker and blisters will appear on the subject’s skin.
A skilled stage hypnotist can tell a person he or she is a chicken and the next thing you see is the subject roaming the stage clucking and flapping their wings.
And we sit in movie theaters watching images on a large canvas that are not real and we cry.
But the most important thing to understand is this: The subconscious mind is creative — and compulsive — and it will instantly begin the creative process of producing in the outer world what it accepts — believes — to be fact in our inner world. (Thankfully there must be a universal species law to keep us from turning into chickens.)
Now of course not every manifestation will appear instantly. I explain to my students that every manifestation has its own timing. Every seed planted in the ground has a natural creative cycle. A baby growing in the womb reaches full term in 9 months. And every seed that takes root in our subconscious mind also has a natural “term.”
But what about instant manifestations? Those are amazing, striking occurrences that can awaken our realization of the manifestation laws and greatly increase our confidence in our ability to use them. We should never brush off a happening like this as nonsensical, trifling, coincidental or due to planetary alignment.
Let me share a couple of my own simple examples to get the point across…
But first…an important note: If you are one of those people who cannot imagine or visualize in pictures, that’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with this — it’s just the way your brain functions. But you can visualize by “feeling” the reality of the goal, which is just as effective.
‘Auto’matic Manifestation
One day many years ago, I had driven home, parked my car and for some reason, the key became jammed in the ignition. I sat in the car for almost half an hour delicately tugging, twisting, manipulating, finessing and doing everything I could think of to get the key to release from the ignition. It wouldn’t budge. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would have to call the auto club for a locksmith. But then I suddenly remembered my belief in the power of the mind and the fact that the mind does not know the difference between a real and an imagined act.
So I relaxed my body in the car seat, closed my eyes and moved my hand as I imagined that it was holding the key as it glided smoothly out of the ignition. I only imagined this one time for less than half a minute.
I opened my eyes, reached for the key and it instantly glided out of the ignition. I decided to test the key again because I wanted to make sure it wouldn’t jam again. I put the key in the ignition several times and it easily released. It never happened again.
Instant Gratification
Here’s another example…it happened one year shortly before the holiday season.
I received a catalog in the mail from Lands’ End. I had never bought anything from them before, but there was a sweater in the catalog that was absolutely gorgeous. The color was “heathered gray” — a cable sweater with a big picture collar that opened up over the shoulders. I had to have it. I immediately went to purchase it online but the gray was not shown. I called the toll-free number and told the woman who answered that I wanted to order the gray sweater but it didn’t appear on their website. She told me that the gray had sold out and they would not be restocking it. Well, my next color choice was the “rich red” and so I ordered. I hoped that the quality of the sweater would be as beautiful as pictured, as the Lands’ End prices were amazing.
But that gray sweater didn’t leave my mind. And just a couple of days later I received another Lands’ End catalog showing the same gray sweater. I decided to call again and again was told it was no longer available. They explained that the catalogs are printed up to six months in advance. However, the woman turned me over to a customer service rep who told me she could add me to a waiting list in case someone returned a gray sweater after Christmas (two months away). I gave the customer service rep my information.
The red sweater arrived. It was even more beautiful than expected. And fit perfectly. But my imagination was still wandering to the gray one. I could “see” myself in that gray sweater too.
A few days after the red sweater arrived, I came home to find another UPS package waiting for me from Lands’ End. That was weird. I hadn’t ordered anything else. I opened the package and there was the gray sweater — brand new, obviously had not been tried on. The packing invoice said “No charge” in the payment line.
I was stunned. My sweater — the one that was “no longer available” — was sent to my front door. No one had contacted me, I had not ordered it or paid for it. But there it was!
I called Lands’ End to find out what happened. The rep who answered could find no record of the gray sweater or of any other sweater besides the red one that was sent to me. There was nothing in their computer and she put me on hold to research more — but still found nothing.
Well, I believe that anything’s possible but I knew this wasn’t a “virgin sweater birth.” I had to find out how it got to me.
I called the next day and again explained the situation. I was on hold for awhile as this rep researched. He didn’t find any record of that sweater either, but he did find the name of the customer service rep — Camille — who had taken my information for the waiting list. He told me she would be working the next day and I could call and ask for her.
The next day I called and spoke with Camille…
She told me that 10 minutes after we hung up the phone that previous week, the gray sweater suddenly — inexplicably — showed up in the computer. There was just the one gray sweater — only one. It was not a return, it was not reordered by Lands’ End, it was not from their warehouse and was no longer in their inventory. No one knew where it had come from. It just suddenly appeared. Camille was afraid that if she didn’t send it out to me immediately it would disappear. She said she had never sent out an item before that wasn’t paid for. I asked if she would get in trouble and she told me, no, she has been with the company 30 years. But she told me she knew I would call and pay for it. I gave her my credit card — we discovered that the sweater had just been marked down — it was 50% off.
That sweater style has never again appeared online or in their catalog.
To the Universe, there is no such thing as a big or small manifestation — the only thing that counts is that the law is working.
What are you going to imagine in your mind today?

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Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit
Her book, Feel Free to Prosper – Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide.