For Everyone…and for Someone
Who May Not Have a Mother
By Marilyn Jenett
Wishing you a wonderful Mother’s Day if that celebration is in order. Read on…there’s more for you below. But if your situation is different, I hope these words will nurture you and make you aware that you really do have something amazing to celebrate after all…
For someone who may not have a mother.
Or who never knew his or her mother.
Or who did not receive a mother’s love.
Or who lost his or her mother.
For someone reading this who does not have a child but wants one.
Or who lost a child.
This is for everyone, but especially for you today…
You are connected to a powerful Loving Presence that loves you unconditionally even if you are not aware of this. This Presence — call it God, Universe, Spirit, Force, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Mind — is All Loving and loves you, nurtures you and sustains you. Open yourself to receive.
This Loving Presence is your Father, Mother, Lover, Brother, Sister, Child, Friend. Its Love is unconditional and eternal. It will never leave you. It provides for you every form of earthly love and spiritual love that will feed your soul. Open yourself to receive.
Open yourself to receive. You are loved.
Speak to Him thou for He hears,
and spirit with spirit can meet—
Closer is He than breathing,
and nearer than hands and feet.
—Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit
Her book, Feel Free to Prosper – Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide.