Overcoming Worry…
By Marilyn Jenett
I always knew that worry was not energy well spent and that it releases hormones that play havoc with our mental and physical health and well-being. But as I evolved in my understanding of mental and spiritual laws, I came to realize that worry actually “short circuits” our access to the very solutions to the issues we are worrying about.
So it became a no-brainer. If worry kept my answers from reaching me, then it was common sense to not worry and to keep my channels clear.
So why do we worry? Well, quite simply…it’s a habit. And we can create a new habit, a new response, a new groove in our mind and emotions.
We can consciously CHOOSE to adopt an attitude of faith and expectancy – of a positive outcome. We can CHOOSE to rely on a loving Universe to solve every problem and light our way. We can CHOOSE to use special techniques and exercises to create a new “faith” groove in our consciousness to replace the “worry” groove. Positive words can intercept faulty patterns. Affirmations, prayer, meditation are all helpful. A brisk walk releases endorphins. Even chocolate in a pinch releases those feel-good chemicals. We can CHOOSE to make conscious choices and not be a slave to past negative thought patterns.
Most importantly, in my opinion, we can CHOOSE to look at each challenge that presents itself as an opportunity to prove that our state of mind does create our destiny and that we DO have the power to overcome and be victorious in every small or large challenge. Worry can be transformed into the greatest opportunity to prove the workings of Universal law. And the more we prove to ourselves that these laws work, the more remote worry becomes in our life.