Presidents’ Day Reality Check
Whose Reality Is It Anyway?
By Marilyn Jenett
Presidents’ Day
Every major holiday provides a theme for me to offer a metaphysical lesson that relates to prosperity consciousness and success in life – for everyone, no matter where you live on our planet. I think you’ll like my twist on this one. But first a couple of notes about the holiday…
Presidents’ Day in the U.S., which is officially Washington’s Birthday, now honors both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, two truly great leaders who changed the course of American history.
You may be familiar with the tale of the 6-year old boy who couldn’t resist cutting his father’s precious cherry tree with his new hatchet. When angrily confronted, little George replied, “I cannot tell a lie, father, you know I cannot tell a lie! I did cut it with my little hatchet.” His father then told him that his courage to tell the truth was more important than a thousand trees.
And I’m sure you’ve heard of “Honest Abe.” Examples of Lincoln’s honesty are documented and legendary. As a young man working in a country store, he would walk miles to return a few cents to a customer if he had counted in error. Honesty and generosity remained in his character throughout his career as an attorney and into his presidency.
Thus the theme for today’s article…let’s have a “reality check” and talk about your lies.
Yes, your lies…but it’s not what you’re thinking…
Whose Reality Is It Anyway?
In the beginning of my Feel Free to Prosper program, I ask my students to explore and share their core feeling — their core beliefs about their relationship to money and prosperity.
Now, this is a REAL reality check — or we might call this a “prosperity” reality check.
So, let’s say that you have discovered your negative core belief (or beliefs) about money and prosperity. Now what are we going to do about it?
Well, first I am going to tell you the major truth about those negative beliefs.
The truth is…your beliefs are a LIE. A lie.
The interesting part is that as long as you keep accepting those beliefs, they remain YOUR lie and color and predict your reality, so in essence they become YOUR truth. What you believe to be true. Your life and circumstances are played out according to your (falsely) accepted truth. And your circumstances, the outer appearances serve to further perpetuate this “truth” to further “prove” that it is so. And the lie keeps feeding itself.
And then when you attempt to consider the possibility of abundance and success for yourself, it is then that you feel like you are lying to yourself.
Well, I have news for you…those beliefs that you have expressed are not at all related to the real you. They are not who you are. They do not represent the talents, the abilities, the qualities or the essence of the person that you are — the REAL you.
They represent negative false beliefs that you acquired throughout your lifetime and that were instilled in your mind by others, even when you were very young. You unconsciously made these beliefs your own.
And the nature of the subconscious mind is that it will create and produce for you according to the ideas it has accepted as reality.
The REAL you has access to all of the creative forces of the Universe because you are an individualized expression of Universal Mind, Infinite Intelligence, God. That Intelligence gave you your talents and abilities and also gave you the means to fulfill those talents and abilities.
So I ask you…Whose reality is it anyway?
How do you tune in and become who you really are?
The first step to victory is to recognize those false beliefs for what they really are — the lie. They are NOT the truth about you. They are the lie. The fact that you cannot attract money or clients or success in business is a great big lie.
A story from the Feel Free to Prosper archives:
Hello fellow financial coaching groupies! I had a productive week in regards to our lesson plans and tangible results. Shall I say more ???!
When I saw Marilyn’s posting
[announcing the FFTP program], I just knew that it was the perfect pole vault to take me over the top. It was just a gut feeling. I am moving into a new phase of my career and Marilyn’s insight and solid lesson plans were just the right distraction to bring me to the next level. And thus far it’s succeeding. Without getting into too much mundane detail, I had a leftover challenge from an employer of more than one year ago. They owed me $$, refused to pay, and I was determined not to give back my income to them by walking away because there was a clear right and wrong issue here.
Well, after a year, I finally got my “day in court” so to speak (more of a mediation). What was exceptional is that I had just gotten Marilyn’s second lesson and had gone over half of it when this happened. The day was long and arduous. Also exceptional was what I did with my time. I relied heavily on my affirmations, then during long periods of time when I was alone and the pressure was on, I developed a meditation that was inspired by Marilyn and our Lesson Two. I focused on an object and just really felt, thought and visualized that I was a magnet for lots of money and that the magnetic energy that I was putting out there was getting stronger and stronger. When I got nervous, I would move back into that space of just concentrating on the magnetic energy I was giving out. When negative thoughts would trickle in, I would just tell myself that they are a “lie” because they are! That was customized by Marilyn for me and was of enormous help.
Several days later, I found out that everything was settled and I got a big chunk-o’money!! Now with that chapter behind me, I can clearly focus on my career goals in terms of financial success. I can’t wait for the next lessons to unfold!
Thank you, Marilyn!
September 19, 2003
Now, here are some more TRUTHS about YOUR negative beliefs and one or more of these may apply to you:
1. You are comfortable with them. After all, they are familiar, aren’t they — even if you weren’t aware before of what they exactly were, they have become “second nature”, haven’t they?
2. You might feel you are stuck with these beliefs – there is nothing you can do about it so that you might as well make the best of it.
3. These beliefs might provide the excuse or justification for not moving forward, even succeeding.
4. You might feel that if you just keep going along like you are with these beliefs, that things will just get better somehow and you might have some lucky breaks to get you where you want to go.
None of the above factors will produce money and success for you. You must now make a conscious choice to be aware and recognize your false beliefs for what they are – blatant false beliefs. Lies that you no longer wish to apply to your life, that in no way serve you.
You must take the upper hand and make a stand for what you want to create in your life. It is a choice. It must no longer be an unconscious choice. It must be a conscious choice and you must now become the boss. You and only you must decide…to stop the lies.
Again I ask…Whose reality is it anyway?
What can you do to create your new reality and live your truth? Absorb the lesson above, read or listen to my book, and become a student of the Feel Free to Prosper® program. Easy peasy.
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© Copyright 2003-2025 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper® All rights reserved.
Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit
Her book, Feel Free to Prosper – Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide.