Real Estate Testimonials
Progression … Not Recession!
Feel Free to Prosper Audio Program for Real Estate Professionals

Giving Thanks!
Dear Marilyn,
I just wanted to thank you.
You called me and things started to change. I don’t really know how to explain it. Our conversation on the phone was just wonderful. You are a very easy person to talk with.
After our conversation I decided to try your program. I am in real estate and the market is very slow right now, so I did have the extra time to try something new!
Well, the next day something great happened! Out of the blue, a past client of mine called and left me a message. I called him back later and he stated that his cousin was in town and would I meet with him about some commercial property.
Then, two of my listings received contracts on them and are waiting to close. I also received two buyers….wrote 5 contracts in 7 days!! I am telling you the truth, this is so uncanny!!! Now I know that you would say that this is supposed to happen and I am sure you are right, and it sure is fun!! I do believe in being positive and I am excited to learn more from your program, Marilyn!
Thank you so much for taking the time to contact me and for blessing me with your special words and thoughts. I do believe that you have something special to share with others and I am grateful to be a part of it. So share as much as you can Marilyn, I am listening!!!
Teri Kerr
Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty
Lexington, KY
Note from Marilyn: Teri’s note is from November 2008, the height of the economic recession in the US, while I was writing and speaking about “Progression, not Recession” and how we can use prosperity laws to thrive in ANY economy.

From New Zealand
Hi Marilyn,
Firstly, can my partner Jacqui and I say thank you for the programme as it is so fascinating to watch things occur.
Jacqui’s real estate business is receiving new seller opportunities almost every day now in a really slow market. She loves it.
4 appraisals last week and 2 more today. At one of this week’s open homes a woman came in looking for her to appraise and sell her home. Another sale is confirmed today.
A long time friend who owns a great real estate office with his wife has just offered me a $5,000 fee for taking a closer look at his business and helping some of his people move ahead in their performance.
A new home builder has returned with “Let’s get you in to help us make more sales.”
A major real estate group I have never consulted for before has just booked me for a tour next month.
Auction bookings continue to flow at $575 each. One day had 6 auctions booked all at once.
I reckon my cash flow is almost double in 3 weeks and as long as we follow your programme it will accelerate.
Launched a great new product called 4 Phases of Marketing to my real estate database. The response is fantastic and I believe we will sell close to a 1000 of these in coming weeks at $179 each. I will keep you posted!.
We are taking it slow and today I start listening to Lesson Three.
Kind Regards,
Ian Keightley
Real Estate Sales Coach
Trainer, Speaker, Auctioneer, Coach
Note from Marilyn: Received this in 2010 when the New Zealand real estate market was also greatly impacted by the slow global economy…
The Simplest Things Are the Best Things in Life
My name is Minerva. I am a 24-year old California Realtor and I am writing this with all my sincerity and gratitude. I have been working with Marilyn’s prosperity lessons, and wanted to share the wonderful results I have seen, all within weeks of applying the work.
I have experienced amazing results, different and so much better than I had imagined, and I believe it is because of the simplicity of the first lesson. I have closed 3 transactions, opened 2 new ones, and received many market analysis assignments from banks (which pay agents’ fees). That’s not all…I acquired 4 approved ready-to-buy buyers too! All this since starting the lessons…and all of this is happening at the height of the 2009 economic recession in the U.S.
I was a little concerned about something at first. I wanted more income, but did not want to take time away from my beautiful 2-year old son. Well guess what? Since applying Marilyn’s techniques in the first lesson I have manifested what I affirmed. I always thought of success as the quote I once saw: Success is being able to spend your time in your own way. – Robert Morley
Since all this income has been coming in and I am attracting perfect business effortlessly, I have been able to save 2 whole days out of the week strictly for my son! I take him to the park, to the zoo, and we’re creating so many wonderful memories, thoroughly enjoying the simple moments, and best of all, my entire mind is there with him! It’s incredible, and everything I ever wanted. The best manifestation of all!
Thank You Marilyn! I have a new outlook on life.
Happy & Grateful,
Minerva Paniagua
Real Estate Consultant
Manteca, CA
Note from Marilyn: Do you see why I say, “Progression, not Recession?”

February 7th…10 Days Later!
Just check out all the good things coming my way! I am so grateful!
A couple of weeks later, as I was writing in my journal, listing all the unexpected opportunities and income, I looked at my list and thought WOW! All of this within such a short time frame! I was getting ready to leave for a four-day training trip. Listen to all that happened before I left.
An offer was accepted for one of my clients that I only took out twice.
I received a counter offer for another client.
I funded on another transaction, which means it will close within days.
I found out that all went well with inspections for another transaction, which will bring in a $2,500 bonus, and I got a referral from the same client!
I received three new market analysis assignments in one day – I usually get one or two assignments a week.
I got a phone call from a referral from a past client.
I met with new referrals.
I got an email from an agent I had referred a client to about 6 months ago! The client bought a house, it closed, and my referral check is on the way!
I then went shopping for new clothes which I hadn’t done in a long time!
Ok, that was right before I left…
When I came back only four days later…
I had another client’s offer accepted, two pre-approved buyers ready to begin their search, one successful close and another ready to close, two new escrows, a referral check, and a deposit in my account. All these great things were awaiting me. And the trip was wonderful too, since my family came with me.
Another amazing manifestation once again put me in awe of the power we hold within. I was listening to Marilyn’s audio session about creating the feeling state of having it now. I was right in the middle of the exercise, envisioning and feeling myself having these perfect clients and getting them into homes quickly and effortlessly. My mind was there, my heart was overflowing with joy, and then…the phone rang! I paused the audio and picked up the phone. It was a referral from a past client. Best kind of business an agent can hope for. He was ready to buy, fully approved and wanted to meet as soon as possible. Against all odds, I took the client out only twice to see properties before we found his perfect home!
So much to be grateful for, it makes my heart sing! I have dreamed of this moment! I am so happy, peaceful, grateful, and excited.
Blessings to All,
Minerva Paniagua
Real Estate Consultant
Manteca, CA

Marilyn, what a wonderfully inspiring and uplifting message! As one who is charged to lead a group of focused and determined brokers in the Colorado mountains, I find that media hype and “chicken little” buzz words are the enemy of production and success.
Thank you for your laser-focused attack on “giving in” to our electronic environment. And, until it improves, our response to anyone who chooses to throw out the “R” word: We have chosen not to participate! Thanks again!
Chuck Webb
CRB, CRS, Lead Agent
Keller Williams Clients’ Choice Realty
Woodland Park, CO

Amazing Discovery!
Dear Marilyn,
These past few days have truly been amazing and I completely ignored it. I’m still looking for that very golden ring and in essence have devalued what I have just received. WOW!!! I’m surprised at myself.
Tuesday night I get a LISTING!!!!! WOW!!!! My past client who recently purchased a property must sell now because of job relocation and hands me the listing – it was too easy.
Today!!! Wednesday, just put a condo into ESCROW!!!! for my buyer that I met just 7 days ago – that was easy.
Thank you for helping to bring prosperity and helping me to understand the meaning of it all.
Michelle LeBron
La Quinta, CA
Thank You Marilyn!
Marilyn Jenett first came into our lives when she booked our Island, Little Eden Cay, for her corporate client Campbell Soup, as the Grand Prize for their nationwide promotion. I didn’t know at the time that she would remain in our lives as the teacher and mentor whose influence would open the door to so many wonderful manifestations.
There have been many times where I have clearly seen the effects of Marilyn’s prosperity teachings upon my life, and in particular I have noticed a pattern of cause and effect and an amazing synchronicity in the events following my receiving her sagely advice.
I would like to note that Little Eden Cay is far from your typical property. A two-hour boat ride from the mainland, it began as an undeveloped and barely habitable (but cheap) deserted island off the coast of Nicaragua. With heart and soul and a quantum leap of vision, we transformed it into the unique and exquisite “slice of heaven” for our family.
In our mentoring association, I have often noticed an influx of prosperity following a call to Marilyn, and the inspired conversation that takes place every time. The Universe gets “stirred up” in the most positive sense, and there is no holding back the flow of abundance that flows forth.
Shortly after one mentoring session, American Express booked Little Eden Cay, out of all the world’s islands, for their huge card member promotion. Following another call, the largest television network in New Zealand filmed our family at the Island which made a national impression and resulted in amazing footage that is now on our website.
Thank you, Marilyn, for teaching me the tremendous power of Focus and Intention; two sure keys to closing a sale…
Martin Thomas
Wellington, NZ

I Am A Manifestation Machine!
Hi Everyone,
I’ve been working with Marilyn since the first week in April. The progress I have made gives me so much joy. I’d like to share with you all a few things that have happened to me.
I put my home on the market on April 23th and today, just 5 ½ weeks later, I have a sale. My realtor is still trying to figure out how she sold it so fast. When she brought the offer over to me last night and while she was here she said, “Terri, some people are just dying to get one showing and you have had two or three showings a week since we put your house on the market.” I just sat smiling at her, knowing exactly how she sold the house so quickly. This sale was an amazing demonstration of the power of the Universe, and how applying Marilyn’s lessons simply works!
Prosperity is FUN!
Terri Cummings
Bridgman, MI
Promise, This is True :>)
I’ve been applying the principles you’ve reminded me of…and, sure enough, I just ratified two contracts on two properties of mine for sale, within two days of each other! And, they were going to be going to closing within two days of each other, but one is moved up!
Carrie Gebbie
Santa Monica, CA

Prosperity Overflow!
Wow, January went fast! A recap of my Feel Free to Prosper month…
Leased 11 apartments in one month. No big deal except that I had sat on these apartments plus notices for months. No amount of follow up, specials, target marketing, NOTHING was budging those units. Then, as if by magic the people who BELONGED with the apartments showed up and leased and couldn’t wait to get in, plus they paid higher move in fees. Now I only have two units to go and I know their occupants are on the way. More leases equal not only my leasing commissions (Yay!) but more income for the building and I get bonuses based on occupancy and NOI.
Kathryn Perry
Dallas, TX
Woo Hoo Hee Haw Yippeeeeeee!!
It took me longer than most of you but it happened, and it happened with such a grandeur that I feel like I am floating in Seventh Heaven (an analogy for the highest level of ecstasy imaginable in my cultural thought).
At the time when I joined Marilyn’s Group Mentoring Program, I had been working on a large real estate deal that had been delayed way beyond the normal time frame. Three to four weeks is normal, but I had already been in this deal for almost two months when I started Lesson One.
Lesson One had such a powerful impact on me that I cannot justifiably describe it. However, it did not manifest any cash for me in the first two weeks like most of the other students. I had seen enough changes in me INTERNALLY to see that it was just a matter of things running their course before I would SEE the cash manifested.
It happened yesterday. Just over a week of rehearsing the role-playing homework in Lesson Three, my real estate deal closed and I earned many thousands from the deal. This is Fun!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You, Marilyn.
Rasheed Hooda
Houston, TX

I Sold My House!
Hi all,
I am grateful for the sale of my house in Arlington, Texas. I lived there 32 years, and moved to Austin when I inherited my Mother’s home.
The house wasn’t selling, so after 11 months of its being on the market, I began using Marilyn’s visualization and gratitude tools.
The next morning, the realtor excitedly called to say we had a contract on the house. The deal, though, was far from done. The buyer’s realtor didn’t like the house and kept trying to persuade the buyer away from it. Over the next month, I continued my visualization and gratitude statements, letting go of any demand that this man be the final buyer.
Tuesday, after a month of hiccups and glitches, we closed the deal. Yesterday evening, I finally spoke to the buyer. He is a DOLL!! So satisfied and proud of the house. Told me that of all the houses his realtor showed him, he knew this one was it. “I drove him nuts cause I wanted to come back and see it several times a day.” He’s obviously as in love with the house as I was (okay, still am!).
Best to all,
Jenny Meadows
Austin, TX

My Share of Paradise!
Finding the perfect house was also quite a journey. I wanted something close to Lake Michigan so I could enjoy its beauty every day. I expected the Universe to bring me the perfect house, but after a few months of searching it became apparent that people from Chicago had come around the lake and bought up so much property that I might be priced out of the market.
I pulled out Marilyn’s old “make out a folder” trick and I made a folder and put it in my file cabinet with the title “new lake property.” Within days of making that folder I found my house! That folder now holds the deed to my lovely cottage just 2 miles from the beach. It’s a short jog/bike ride down to the beach in the morning and I get to take a swim or a walk – my choice! The picture I have posted today shows just a glimpse of the paradise I get to share.
Terri Cummings
Marilyn’s Note: Terri is the same person who described the quick sale of her former home in the previous testimonial.

The Power of Spoken Words and Dreams
Dear Marilyn,
Two years back I cut two pictures from newspapers and put them in my journal. One was a picture of a golf course and another was a picture of a beautiful house with a grand entrance. I had heard that if you can see your dream it can come true and I wanted to have a grand house that is overlooking a golf course. Because my husband loves golf and he has always worked hard to make me smile, I wanted to have it as a gift to him. I told myself that one day I will have it.
Nothing happened for almost two years. Those pictures got misplaced.
Two months ago I found them again and at the same time I applied your teachings. I looked at the photos, took a deep breath and repeated to myself that this is my house and I am living there NOW. The next morning I went for my walk and imagined myself walking out of that house and going for the morning walk. I already knew it was my house. It has not even been two months yet and I am closing on a house next week that is my dream house overlooking one of the most prestigious golf courses.
Thank you, Marilyn.
Poonam Gupta
Chicago, IL

Two-and-a-half years!
Hello everyone,
This is my first posting and I am excited to be able to do so! I began Marilyn’s program on July 3 of this year and have already acheived great results. Let me back-track.
Prior to being a mom, I was in residnetial real estate in Minneapolis. After the birth of my first son in Novemeber, 2004 I decided to cut back on my business and be a “part time Realtor.” I listed a condo in January, 2005 – an old 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom unit in an old building, neither of which had been renovated. This was tough as the condo market here, like most places in the U.S., had exploded. I knew selling this condo would be difficult, at best. The owner had moved out a few months prior and although she wanted the condo sold, she didn’t want to “give it away,” either.
From January ’05 – February ’07 I held onto the listing and we did have some action. Actually, we had two offers on the place – one fell through as it was contingent on the sale of another property (that never sold), and the other came in too low and we weren’t able to find common ground.
In February of this year, I decided to exit real estate to focus on my growing family. This condo was the only piece of unfinished business I had – the owner and I had become quite fond of each other, and I really did want to help her see this through to the end. Needless to say, this condo had become a thorn in her side.
I referred the listing out to another agent who is also a friend of mine. He also knew the challenge of selling this place…by now the entire market had softened and he knew it might take a while.
Well, about a week after I started Marilyn’s course, this agent called me to tell me he sold the place…I couldn’t believe it. And not only did he sell it, he “hogged” it, meaning he represented the seller and the buyer! Further, the buyer wanted to close on it before August, so they set a closing date for the end of July. It closed on July 26 and since I referred this out, I got 50% of the commission on the lisitng side. My check arrived today and I am happy!
Can you believe it??? Two-and-a-half years!!!
Thank you, Marilyn!!
Wendy Jacobson
Minneapolis, MN

One Year Later…
I’m Still Amazed Beyond Description!
Hi Marilyn,
Thinking about you and all the good you have brought into my life. I wanted to share the latest amazing thing that happened to me at the end of last year.
I was getting frustrated with the market and the buyers I was working with so I decided to change my circumstances, as I remembered I have the power to do so 🙂
I began affirming that I have attracted 3 cash buyers who will get accepted on homes quickly and close effortlessly. In my entire career I have only worked with 1 cash buyer. I loved the power of negotiating, the ease of the transaction and the short time frame it took to find and close on a house.
I had no idea where these cash buyers would come from. But I had faith. The universe has always been on time…sometimes the nick of time, but on time. I set my worries aside, I stopped my thoughts of logic, and I breathed this belief and felt the peace in knowing those buyers were out looking and closing with me. Using the technique I learned from you, I even prepped 3 “Lead Forms” with the criteria I was looking for in a buyer and set them on my desk, so I was ready for them when they called.
Within weeks (maybe 2-3) I got a phone call…Mr. Britton was looking for acreage in my area, as he and his wife were moving from Indiana and downsizing from 20 acres. When I asked if he was approved, he stated he will be paying cash. 🙂
A week later I got an email that was assigned by the company. The message said “I want to see the house on Plum St. I’m talking cash, baby!” I rolled my eyes at the gloating comment and called the man. I found him a house and got him in escrow in 2 weeks. While he was buying his home, I got another phone call. It was a past client. His brother had just sold his home in Arizona and he was buying in his neighborhood. When I asked if he was approved, he told me his brother had 200k in cash, and wanted to buy outright. 🙂 I couldn’t believe it! Well I did this whole time, but I sat there in awe. I couldn’t believe what I had created. I can cry right now. The feeling was exhilarating. I was amazed beyond description. I wanted to share with the world! I was speechless at the same time! I just kept thinking, I cannot wait to see all my other dreams come true…I was filled with excitement!!
Minerva Paniagua
Real Estate Consultant
Manteca, CA

Another Update…
Day 1 of my prosperity challenge was nearly perfect. Shortly after my lesson work, I got a phone call. A referral from one of my favorite families to do business with. $200k cash purchase! Had tons of giggles with Gianni. Gave keys to my buyers who closed today, all while baby in tow. Did a little shopping. Now, some quiet time blogging, and prepping for another amazing day tomorrow. Life is good! Marilyn Jenett, your lessons are magical.
Note from Marilyn: Minerva had recently given birth to her second son, Gianni. When it was time to return to real estate, she applied the Feel Free to Prosper lessons again.
Marilyn’s Guarantee
I am confident that you will experience the results that I promise. I want you to purchase the program only if you are truly ready for change and are willing to apply the lessons.
However, if you apply the program and don’t find it to be of great value as promised, let us know within 30 days of your purchase. I’ll be happy to give you a full refund.
— Marilyn