Taxes and Taxis
By Marilyn Jenett
What do Taxes have to do with Taxis? Let’s find out…
April 15th in the U.S. has always been Tax Day, the last day that Americans can file their tax returns. When the pandemic hit, it was extended for several months to provide help to many in the unpredictable situation. But I considered it to be a “band-aid” — not a cure. What do I mean by that?
It doesn’t matter when your taxes are due in your country — this article still applies to you.
One year I received a note from a new Feel Free to Prosper student:
Hello Marilyn,
I started your program 2 weeks ago. So far, every day I have had money coming my way. People who owed me are now paying up. But as you know it’s tax season and I have to pay. So yes I am putting money into my 401K and also paying taxes. I will continue to stay positive as I have to write these checks. Thanks for the program to help during this month of April.
I received this striking testimonial later from another student:
Hi Marilyn,
Three years ago my husband received a letter stating he owed $20,000 to the IRS. He was unemployed at the time this happened. He didn’t file a couple of years, but we could not understand how they figured he owed $20,000 dollars. He was only a truck driver.
We knew we needed an attorney to help us but we didn’t have the money to hire one. We saw on the IRS site that they listed attorneys free of charge. So we got one and it’s been a long road of court hearings, bank statements, and paycheck stubs month after month (Harry’s working now).
There was another hearing last month and they said that the final decision — whether they would take the offer the attorney presented or demand all of the money — was to be made in April (four months from now). They were waiting to see how much Harry made this year.
We ordered your Feel Free to Prosper program on Friday, Dec 14th. My husband started the course on Sunday, the 16th. I am writing this on Wednesday, Dec 19th. Here it is just 3 days later and he received a call from his attorney today. After 3 years, the IRS realized they made a mistake and Harry only owes $700 dollars, which will be paid out of this year’s refund, so nothing out of pocket.
$20,000 hanging over our heads to the IRS for 3 years and now we are free — just like that.
Thanks Marilyn for creating this program and sharing it with the world!
Karen and Harry
And then another…
Dear Marilyn,
I started your Feel Free to Prosper program on November 16, 2013.
I really wasn’t expecting much to happen, as I have done other program with no results… but much to my surprise a lot did happen…
Within the first week, my sister gave me a name of a highly recommended tax preparer. I hadn’t asked for this info, she just mentioned it to me in passing…and unbeknownst to my sister, I hadn’t filed taxes for the past 3 years, as I was in fear of owing more than I had and I wasn’t employed.
Long story short, the results of going to this tax preparer…I was owed money and have just received the check on Friday. I would like to tithe 10% of that to you, as your program was the path that led me to take action. Words don’t really express how great I feel from tying up the loose ends of unfiled tax returns, and the freedom I now have with that burden off my mind. Life is great!
In order to arrive at the point of this article, here are a few paragraphs from my book, Feel Free to Prosper, in the chapter about the power of words:
When we say on one hand that we want this thing but continue to express words that represent the opposite of our desire, we succeed in perpetuating the same unwanted conditions and we do not reach our fulfillment, or freedom state.
We cannot have it both ways. We cannot want one thing and express its opposite and expect the powerful laws of the Universe to work on our behalf.
You cannot claim to feel “prosperous” and then state that there is no way to pay your bills within the next two weeks. That very statement will ensure that the ways to pay those obligations will not get through to you because those words have now become your law — and beautifully represent a law of lack — your self-fulfilled prophecy.
Now let me paraphrase my words to specifically relate to our topic:
We cannot have it both ways. We cannot want prosperity and complain about paying our taxes and expect the powerful laws of the Universe to work on our behalf. We cannot claim to feel “prosperous” and then consider taxes a distasteful, negative obligation.
When we have taxes to pay, we should pay them with gratitude — sincere gratitude for the income that they are based on. The more gratitude we express, the more income we will have. We should allow taxes to represent our increasing income and expanding prosperity consciousness. And of course, with a true prosperity consciousness, we will always be guided to the right knowledge to preserve as much of our income as we can with integrity — while still paying our due.
you will never get to your destination.”

Have I made my point?
Congratulations to all Feel Free to Prosper students who are choosing their words — and prosperity as their destination. If they can do it, so can you!
Debt and Your Body?
Here’s more proof that acquiring a prosperity mindset and paying your taxes — and other financial obligations — with gratitude and poise will impact your life. This eye-opening article is shared with permission from Michael Raanan, President of Landmark Tax Group, experts is tax relief and resolution.
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© Copyright 2003-2022 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper®
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Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit
Her book, Feel Free to Prosper – Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide.