Feel Free to Prosper: An Entrepreneurial Memoir
of Synchronicity and Guidance

Excerpt: Chapter 13

There Is a Season

By Marilyn Jenett


I’m aware that I have probably given you the impression of this perfectly manifesting entrepreneur who by that time was in complete control of her dreams and destiny.

Well, in a cosmic sense, I believe I was. For the growth of my soul, for the life lessons that needed to be learned, I was writing the script and producing the play.

I had come so far. I had with my heart and soul and undaunted determination applied myself to peel away layers of fear and conditioned lack thinking to create something from nothing — connect with my source, find a place for myself and make sense of my existence. I had accomplished results that seemed remarkable to me at the time, and yet so natural at the same time.

But I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you that with all the seemingly glorious accomplishments and my obvious ability to tap into my source of supply to manifest my desires, there were times when I was knocked down with great intensity. Several times in fact.

I could not understand how — with my ever-evolving faith in the laws and my ability to apply them — how I could be so profoundly affected by the winds of “fate.” I was a metaphysician; I knew spiritual law, I understood. How could I falter and be caught up in appearances and mass mind thinking? What was I doing wrong?

It seemed that as I was becoming “seasoned” as a businesswoman, I was also being seasoned on another level when every disaster that could possibly happen and affect a business such as mine — well…happened. There were the Los Angeles riots, the major Northridge Earthquake, a recession or two. And much later on, the tide changed from local to global with 9/11 and anthrax. And of all the industries in the world, the hospitality industry and the special event industry are probably among the hardest to be impacted from these events.

I won’t get into more detail just now, but I do need to tell you that there was much more than meets the eye — there were times when all I could do was cry to the Universe and ask, “Why?” I didn’t understand but I knew that no matter what happened, no matter how difficult things were at those times, that I would do whatever it took to save what I had created. And with even more determination, I threw myself into and sought refuge in the teachings, applied my knowledge and sought an even greater connection to my source.

Through the psychic pain of those situations, I did not realize what I have come to realize today…

That had I not gone through those intense experiences, I would not have been “forced” to learn the lessons, I would not have learned with complete conviction what works and what doesn’t work, and I would never be the teacher of these principles that I am today. I had no awareness of it back then, but I was being initiated, seasoned and refined for the purpose of my life.


Note from Marilyn…

It is important for my readers to understand that the growth of a prosperity consciousness may not be a continuous upward spiral. There may be many challenges to face and overcome along the way. It is indeed like peeling away the layers of conditioning that have previously held us back.

But…it is what we do at those particular times that will determine the “set of our sail” for our lifetime. These challenges are the most fantastic opportunities for us to prove the workings of spiritual law and to apply the prosperity principles we have learned.

We can fall into the mass mind consciousness of fear, lack and defeat or we can respond to our soul’s gentle push — or sometimes very adamant shove — to come up higher and learn how to play this game.

Just think about it, everyone. How meaningful would these laws become and how much faith would you have in them if they served as a cosmic lifejacket while you were in the middle of an ocean of negativity with no land in site? What if the Universe reached out directly to you and pulled you out of the ocean and delivered you safely to shore and provided all your needs at that moment. How would you feel?

Would this replace your doubts with a confidence and faith in a sustaining power that is connected to you and is always there for you?

Now, I am not saying that everyone who decides to learn and apply the laws must necessarily go through such intense challenges. Much will depend upon your background, conditioning and awareness. But if my personal experiences have brought me to an absolute state of faith and conviction in the laws, then as a teacher, I can serve as a bridge to that faith and conviction and take you to a place where you can access your own resources and prove it for yourself.

I believe that I needed to go through those experiences — I needed to hit bottom and feel the conditions that so many others have experienced in order to develop the compassion and empathy and the absolute faith in these laws to help others overcome the way I did. It was the only way I could become authentic in my (future) teachings.


© Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper: An Entrepreneurial Memoir of Synchronicity and Guidance, online memoir soon to be published and currently free to read online: www.feelfreetoprosper.com/entrepreneurial-memoir



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Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit www.FeelFreetoProsper.com.

Her book, Feel Free to Prosper – Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available, is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide. www.feelfreetoprosperbook.com